
Turbo Explanation

 30th Sep, 2020

A turbocharger is applied to make an engine more efficient, and makes it possible to “downsize” the engine to a smaller size without any loss in performance. This is why many cylinder 6 engines have become cylinder 4 engines and so forth. A smaller engine is by definition a cleaner...

Hydrogen and 3 other ways to cut data center CO2 emissions

 29th Sep, 2020

Few among us know or perhaps consider how the ‘cloud’ works, or how myriad other technologies make our digitally connected world operate. Yet they play a crucial role in daily life. Our world is increasingly fueled by data: harvesting it, processing it, and sharing it. And while we can’t see words, numbers, and...

Racking up the profits

 22nd Sep, 2020

Think outside of the box...Double-deep stacking could increase, under certain conditions, storage density by as much as 25%.Mounting pressure from senior management towards ‘lean’ production has left many responsible for materials handling feeling themselves caught between a rock and a hard place.With fewer resources and higher demands than ever before,...

Cheap tyres – are they worth the risk?

 17th Sep, 2020

Good quality tyres moved 14% more pallets in a single shiftWe all like a bargain... especially in tough times. The trouble is that paying less can actually cost more in the long run...Take tyres. They are all much the same, right? WRONG! In a recent, wide-ranging and rigorous study we...

Protect your fleet and your pocket

 16th Sep, 2020

Machinery has a habit of breaking down at the least convenient moment. Nothing goes on for ever - so how can you minimise the inconvenience caused when your forklift truck decides to take an unscheduled break?To make matters worse, it's almost certain to break down when you're right in the middle...

Protect your fleet… and your pocket

 16th Sep, 2020

Follow our simple ways to stay on top of truck maintenance... You'll reduce the impact breakdowns have on productivity and keep long-term costs down.Machinery has a habit of breaking down at the least convenient moment. Nothing goes on for ever - so how can you minimize the inconvenience caused when...

The turbines that harness the power of typhoons

 9th Sep, 2020

Typhoons hit parts of Asia every year, the most severe upending everyday life and leaving a trail of destruction. This extreme weather presents a potential barrier to the anticipated growth of offshore wind in the region.Despite being in its infancy, Asia’s offshore wind industry accounted for almost 90% of the world’s...